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In December 2023, two of MoB's artistic associates partnered with PeaceRose Montessori School to teach the upper-elementary kids about Social Justice through Theatre. With four class periods total, our associates worked with students discussing what it means to be a youth activist, analyzing speeches of youth activists such as Greta Thunberg and Xiuhtezcatl Martinez, and collaging these findings into a visual piece. Students then were taught MoB's documentary production process, and were each interviewed on issues of their choice. In their final class, students performed the series of monologues based on a combination of their interviews as well as the speeches they analyzed. It was called "YouthQuake".

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Red Ribbon Event 2023

On December 2, 2023, our MoB performers attended the Wilmington Red Ribbon Event for World AIDS Day at the Cameron Arts Museum. Following various activists and speakers, including members of SEEDS of Healing, we performed a collection of monologues from Quilt Stories (see current projects), a production that we also had brought to the Washington D.C.Fringe Festival in the summer. 

Overdose Awareness Day 2023

The annual Overdose Awareness Event was hosted by Coastal Horizons at Hope Recovery Center on September 28, 2023. Our performers attended to provide support for the community, as well as share stories from the first few interviews conducted on our ongoing project, Voices from the Opioid Epidemic (see current projects). With almost all of the interviewees present to hear the first readings of their monologues, it was a powerful and emotional day. 

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